前往 英國放寬港人入籍條件BNO身分是什麼?申請資格限哪兩項
發布時間: 2020-12-27文章推薦指數: 80 %
我也遇到這個問題 即使選擇British Citizens亦不行 最後我揀China(Hong Kong SAR) 因為我也有特區護照倒不如用特區 不想再卡在這個問題上 最後便可以 在往後的步驟 我填返BNO passport number 發出國家揀返英國
請問有用bno申請的香港人申請成功嗎? 一開始評估的問題裏有問我是哪一國的護照選填 我填British national overseas, 哪一國國民填香港 好像不讓我過 要我選英國 我真的要選英國嗎? International Experience Canada Based on the answers you provided, it seems you are not eligible to come to Canada through International Experience Canada. To learn what other options might be available to you, you can answer the questionnaire again. If you are a citizen of the United Kingdom, you must select "British Citizen" when you answer the question "What is the country/territory of your passport?" If you did not select "British Citizen," you can answer the questionnaire again.