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Coming to Canada as a Permanent Resident?Provincial healthcare may not cover you for your first...More
Note: The useful tips provided in this webpage are the authors' own opinions and for ref...More
Our solutionsOur solutionsFind the health/travel insurance solution to suit your needsMy search...More
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)An official global travel advisory is in effect: Avoid non-essen...More
首頁課程辦公室關於EF事業發展首頁課程辦公室關於EF事業發展 Working Holiday 申請的過程並不複雜,各國簽證信息亦很全面。EF為您列出了所有與簽證申請相關的主要信息和網站,供...More
自 2010 年起,香港人可以申請去加拿大 working holiday。加拿大為英語系國家,地大物博、自然風景怡人、郊野與大城市並存、冬季能感受白雪紛飛的環境,是港人熱門的旅遊和移居地方...More