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I-94 is a place for U.S. visitors to find travel records. You must turn on JavaScript in order t...More
究竟什麼是I-94 Form? “顧問, 我找了半天都找不到這張單子”. I-94 從前幾年開始就E化, 不再提供紙本入境美國(再次提醒:入境美國後才會有紀錄) 往後出入境紀錄美國 ... More
On the passport admission stamp or the paper I-94 card, the inspector writes either a date or "D/...More
For additional information on Form I-94, please visit the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP...More
Foreign visitors to the U.S. arriving via air or sea no longer need to complete paper Customs and...More
The I-94 travel record (Form I-94 Arrival/Departure Record) is a paper or electronic document fro...More