文章推薦指數: 80 %
【#漫遊大稻埕】新片上架!🔥 大家久等了!大稻埕旗袍篇的影片出爐囉! 除了帶著大家 #穿旗袍 以外,還有 #品茶、#品香 的活動, 來一趟充滿 #在地台灣味的復古體驗!❤️... 快來看看吧...More
SELECT LANGUAGE日本・韓國・台灣三國拓展中!!OWNER給SHARE HOUSE管理・營運・投資的房東們NEWS關於新冠肺炎 BORDERLESS HOUSE應對緊急通知池袋周...More
The business launched and opened the very first “Borderless House” in Oyama, Tokyo.Established ...More
Which country's share houses are you looking for?Which country's concept introduction would you...More
在找哪個國家的share house呢?想看哪個國家的企劃介紹呢?想看哪個國家的成員介紹呢?Which country's Special Programs would you like t...More
Due to the strict procedures of Japanese immigration, we are unable to assist students from cou...More