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这个wanted应该是通缉的意思,是形容词还是过去分词,可以做标题,这属于什么用法?另外看到一个广告:Wanted: an English teacher. ...More
I just wanted to 和I just want to的用法区别? Ijustwantedtotalktoyou....这里是否能用want?意思是一样的吗?如果不能请举一下用want...More
A: That means the person wanted to know if you're hungry or not. If within context, the person mi...More
請教英文過去式用法( wanted ). Additional Details. Add your own opinion not what you think is right. You se...More
最近有一條社會新聞,嫌犯英文不好,穿了一件印有"Wanted, dead or alive!"的T恤,剛好被巡邏的警察逮個正著。 這則新聞是這樣的:. 雲林一名 ... 英文不好有時候只是溝通...More
(他想找個旅行的同伴) 或改為意思稍微不同的He wanted to travel with a companion. (他想要和同伴去旅行) ... (他們沒有小孩要照顧); She want...More