文章推薦指數: 80 %
例:I am looking forward to a long career of educating students. 我期待能有一個長的教學職涯。 字彙補充: 1.job market ...More
雙語例句. 嗯,在目前工作中我已經到達了一個頂峰,這裡沒有晉升的機會。 Well, I feel i have reached "glass ceiling" in my current job...More
我得有經驗才能找到工作,可是沒有工作我就無法獲得經驗這真是個惡性循環。 Because he could put down three hundred guineas and keep hims...More
A:I thought his act was emotionally driven.(我覺得他太情緒化了。) B:I didn't find it so.(我倒沒有這樣覺得。) 延伸閱讀/. ...More
My job is an editor.(我的工作是編輯。) 下台後,Lizzy 在旁邊悄悄說:「剛剛的英文好像說錯了,等等問問John 老師該怎麼說才 ... 恭喜您登入成功!登入失敗!恭喜...More
(X)I have many work experiences.(我有很多工作經驗。) (X)I have no experience.(我沒有經驗。) 中文看似合理,但在英文文法和句意 ......More