文章推薦指數: 80 %
此外,Please find attached…的寫法是一個祈使句(imperative),這個句子說到底的功能只是傳達「I have attached a document for you.」...More
最常用的就是:please find attached. ... I enclose the evaluation report for your reference. ... Attachme...More
Attached herewith please find the revised proposal for your perusal. (就先前 ... here is the revised...More
please find the attached file for your review,大家都在找解答。 意思是要人參考附件的某個資訊,但在e-mail 中叫人去“Find” 某個資訊......More
Attached herewith please find the revised proposal for your perusal. (就先前 ... As discussed, here ...More
could you please review the changes and re-send the document ... “Please see the attached file / ...More