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be attached to sb/sth. to like someone or something very much. 依戀;喜歡. The children are very attac...More
No strings attached. (不附帶任何條件)其中attach和感情可以搭配,strings也能,只要前面加上個heart—heartstrings就是中文說心弦、情感。 啟動成...More
總部的軍官。 be attached to = 喜愛;愛慕I am very attached to her. 我非常喜歡她。 以上的"to"均屬介係詞,後 ... 美式 美式 More
Attached herewith please find the revised proposal for your perusal. (就先前我們談過的,我寫信來是要追蹤我們先前對於第二季行...More
attached /ət'ætʃt/ 共發現 12 筆關於 [attached] 的資料 (解釋內文之英文單字均可再點入查詢) 來源(1): pydict data [pydict] attac...More
... 的:獨立的:未婚的:未被逮捕的:未任命的:不連接的;. 例句. The garage is attached to the right side of the main house; T...More