文章推薦指數: 80 %
OpenGL-ES Info lets you view relevant information about your device's OpenGL-ES implementation. T...More
Android 2.2 and higher supports Open GL ES 2.0, so as of Feb 2 that is 58.4% of phones. Android 1...More
OpenGL Versions and Device Compatibility. The OpenGL ES 1.0 and 1.1 API specifications have been ...More
Vulkan version; OpenGL ES version. Thank you for your patience! We're working to improve the insi...More
Supported by Windows, Linux, Android (since version 6.0 possible, 7.0+ Vulkan 1.0 and OpenGL ES 3...More
現在市面上幾乎每個Android手機都有一個圖形處理單元,或簡稱為GPU。顧名思義,就是專門處理與3D圖形計算相關的硬體單元。 作為一名APP ... Chinese (Traditional...More