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2.日文精通具N2資格以上;具第三外語能力者加分。 必要外語. 英文:Conversation Level. 日文:Business Level. 加入PASONA Your best car...More
PASONA N A career site, jobs, employment, works in USA for Japanese English bilinguals.Find your ...More
Pasona Global has branches in over 10 different countries and areas around the world to support y...More
Our mission is to create jobs and new employment infrastructure through the provision of ambitiou...More
求職懶人包. 《保聖那就勝講座線上版》系列: 求職旺季卻遇到疫情肆虐,各校徵才活動與求職講座一一喊停。 但別擔心,保 ... Your best career partner ...More
PASONA Group Inc, is a leader in Japanese employment and staffing solutions. We provide jobs, out...More