申請文件送出後,我收到了這封信郵寄到我家。 我看list有超級無敵多文件要補上,可是,我並沒有收到e-mail通知耶。 請問我要附上全部文件嗎?有很多很多很多耶~我好慌
發布時間: 2012-02-29文章推薦指數: 80 %
in order to continue with the assessment of your case, you are required to submit the following original documents marked with "X" within the next 60 days. Do not come to the Consulate in person, please use the mail service. 由上面的說明,我覺得應該是要有"X"的才要交,但是問題是他們一項都沒有打X,那是不是不用交? OMG
基本上我看完你這封信, 應該就是要補交澳洲良民證而已啦!! 趕快去辦理吧~~~ 祝你好運^^