想請問已上傳文件的加打們,上傳application後,已收到CIC的confirm your application has been received確認信件,CIC的MAIL通知都是Your application(W300......) has been updated,請問要等多久才會收到CIC IME體檢文件? Date sent:Submission Confirmation - April-15-2014 Date read:April-16-2014 Date read:April-24-2014 意思是文件被CIC讀取過嗎?? 體檢醫院說要有CIC的IME序號表格下載列印後,才能去體檢,叫我要等CIC通知。 查詢CANADA移民網站也條列說,此項簽證體檢表格將由移民局MAIL給申請者, 網站上並無表格可下載。 所以想請問大大們,距離上傳文件到收到體檢文件需多久時間? 曾寫信給香港移民局也無下文!!
發布時間: 2014-04-24文章推薦指數: 80 %
想請問已上傳文件的加打們,上傳application後,已收到CIC的confirm your application has been received確認信件,CIC的MAIL通知都是Your application(W300......) has been updated,請問要等多久才會收到CIC IME體檢文件? Date sent:Submission Confirmation - April-15-2014 Date read:April-16-2014 Date read:April-24-2014 意思是文件被CIC讀取過嗎?? 體檢醫院說要有CIC的IME序號表格下載列印後,才能去體檢,叫我要等CIC通知。 查詢CANADA移民網站也條列說,此項簽證體檢表格將由移民局MAIL給申請者, 網站上並無表格可下載。 所以想請問大大們,距離上傳文件到收到體檢文件需多久時間? 曾寫信給香港移民局也無下文!! 個人經驗是... 超過2週都還沒通知體檢就該問候CIC了 有人一天就接到通知的,也有人被官方拖很久的 所以建議第二階段的90天的期限...不要太鐵齒到快到期才去辦 祝福您一切順利囉~~
聽樓上這樣說,讓我有些緊張 目前正在等美國那邊寄良民證過來。預計"最快"5月中旬可以收到 如果體檢會被這樣拖,感覺會在90天期限出問題囧
bu510請問一下, 你什麼時候寄指紋過去FBI的? 我大概四月初寄的,他說大約在5/9時寄出, 到現在都還沒收到....
bu510請問一下, 你什麼時候寄指紋過去FBI的? 我大概四月初寄的,他說大約在5/9時寄出, 到現在都還沒收到.... Hi, pilex This is my time slots for police certificate. For your reference. 4/3 Taiwan EMS 4/7 delivery 4/30 FBI search completed 5/2 FBI issued date 5/14 Got the police certificate
Thank you for sharing your timeline BroSean. I hope thatI can get the mail within this week. Tks again! Btw, is that a registered mail?
My family got that mail for me. Likely, it's an ordinary mail. By the way, make a phone call if you don't receive your police certificate this week. -- Note: Although the FBI employs the most efficient methods for processing these requests, the processing time is currently 25 calendar days due to the volume of requests received, as well as past government status. Please allow additional time for mail delivery. We respectfully request that you refrain from calling to check on the status of your request prior to six weeks. For assistance, contact the Customer Service Group at (304) 625-5590. -- Thank you for sharing your timeline BroSean. I hope thatI can get the mail within this week. Tks again! Btw, is that a registered mail?