解釋什麼Bridging Visa???(open work permit)加拿大版

發布時間: 2014-05-25

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我前一篇文章巳分享自己利用加拿大打工渡簽成功的拿到PR confirmation letter.之後出境就可以正式拿到加拿大永久居留權,之後想去那工作就去那工作,完全不用被因為closed work permit不能換工作.work permit最多也只能申請二次,最多四年,之後就不可以再無限申請work permit.所以有了PR是最好選擇.癈話不多說,接下來要解釋什麼是Bridging visa. 去年為了要申請PR,我可是爬文爬了好久,找到好多資訊,包括如何辦延簽也收獲好多.我覺得這裡很多的律師都是在騙錢,也許我自己的個人經驗不好所以我對移民律師很反感,他們一次都是好幾百個人收,服務都不太好也不專業,但這是我個人意見,我相信也有好的律師也很專業.但網路上資訊很多,自己去爬文都找得到資訊. 接下來想跟大家解釋什麼是Bridging visa? 我自己去年也查了一下,由於我是擔心自己在工簽快到期沒拿到PR,我實在不想再請律師幫我辦工簽,因為一堆手續,要請老闆簽,又要請人事簽,我們公司人事要簽文件又要請示CEO,實在很多程序,有時要等"請示"最大老闆CEO都要等好幾個月,我覺得壓力很大,我們公司又很怕麻煩,我是第一個沒有PR的外籍勞工,所以我就一直找資訊,也就讓我找到這個Bridging visa的資訊,但這只適用你巳申請PR,也拿到reference number,你就可以在工簽到期前四個月前上CIC網站申請Bridging visa,這個bridging visa就是一年open work permit的工簽,可以讓你自由為任何雇主工作,為什麼會有這個bridging visa? 這個原因和我們在申請延簽的道理類似,在申請LMO過程中,但工簽快過期,但你利用LMO number 或是positive LMO申請work permit,等到CIC下最後決定,這90天的等待期,我們叫implied status.我前文章有介紹過,自己去爬文. 那Briding visa就是在等CIC下最後決定你的PR,因為你巳申請PR,也拿到reference number,所以CIC給你一年的bridging visa(open work permit)讓你在加拿大繼等待,你不用回自己的國家,但如果你巳經離開加拿大,你就不能申請bridging visa,只有目前還持有有效工簽的人才能申請.接下來就是把link放上來大家自己有興趣的去查看. Bridging Open Work Permits for Certain Federal Economic Class Applicants http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/manuals/bulletins/2012/ob485.asp Bridging Open WP – Eligibility Parameters To be eligible for a bridging open WP, the following parameters must be met: The foreign national is currently in Canada; They have valid status on a WP that is due to expire within 4 months; They have received a positive eligibility decision on their PR application under one of the Economic Class programs above; and They have made application for an open WP. Determining if a Positive Eligibility Decision has been made For the purposes of determining if a positive eligibility assessment has been made, the processor will review if the Eligibility Assessment value is set to “Passed” in GCMS. If this decision has not been entered yet, for the purposes of this Operational Bulletin (OB), a “positive eligibility decision” will also be considered made when it is confirmed in GCMS that: FSWP: the “Ministerial Instructions” status has been set to “Met” or a positive Final Determination of Eligibility letter/ e-mail has been sent. PNP: the “Eligibility EC-QC/PNP” status has been set to “Passed” or the Acknowledgment of Receipt letter/e-mail has been sent by the Centralized Intake Office (CIO). CEC: the “Eligibility CEC” decision has been set to “Passed” or the Acknowledgement of Receipt letter/e-mail has been sent from CIO. FSTP: the Acknowledgement of Receipt letter/e-mail has been sent from CIO. Bridging Open WP Issuance Applicants must submit an Application to Change Conditions, Extend my Stay or Remain in Canada as a Worker [IMM 5710], indicating that they are applying for an Open Work Permit. Where medical, criminal, or security concerns are evident, or where it is clear that complex or contentious issues exist on the application for PR, the open WP application should be referred to a local office for additional review. Once satisfied that any complex/contentious issues have been resolved, the local office can issue the open WP following these same instructions. The open WP is to be valid for the duration of one year from the date of issuance. Although the PR application should normally be finalized within a year, subsequent requests from applicants to extend their stay on an open WP will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Upon receipt of the application, the processing office will confirm that: The PR applications under one of the classes (CEC, PNP, FSWP) has been found eligible; the applicant is currently in Canada; and it is confirmed that the applicant currently holds a valid WP that will expire within the next 4 months and there are no other issues of concern. The open WP will be issued under authority of R205(a) and will be coded as follows: Validation Exemption Code: C-10; NOC: 9999000 Intended Occupation: Open Case Type: 27 – Under examination If a medical examination has not been previously conducted in relation to their current status in Canada, or in relation to the application for permanent residence, or its result has expired, the office must impose the following conditions: Not authorized to work in childcare, primary/secondary school teachings, health service field occupations; Not authorized to work in agricultural occupations. In all cases, the officer must input visible remarks on the WP, “APR Pending”. This remark, in addition to the Case Type code will ensure eligibility for continued health care coverage by the province or territory. Employment Location PNP When issuing a bridging open WP to an applicant for permanent residence under the PNP, the Employment Location on the WP must be restricted to the nominating province. Therefore, the Province of Destination must be selected and then the City of Destination value should be selected to show the province/territory NES. For example: Province of Destination: AB City of Destination: Alberta NES FSWP, FSTP, CEC For a bridging open WP issued to FSWP, FSTP or CEC, there are no restrictions to Employment Location and therefore the Province of Destination value must be set to UNK first, and then the City of Destination value of Unknown can be selected as follows: Province of Destination: UNK City of Destination: Unknown Transition Period There is no transition period for this OB. For unprocessed WP applications that were received prior to the publication date of this bulletin, normal processing and entitlements will apply and the client is to be issued the document in accordance with the service they have requested. In other words, the applicant should not be issued a bridging open WP when they have not specifically requested one. Additionally, WP applications received after the effective date that make no mention of requesting an “open” WP should be processed based on the services being requested. For example, if the applicant has submitted a WP application with an LMO, the processing office is to issue the WP, restricted to the employer outlined on the LMO, assuming normal entitlements.
