
發布時間: 2013-08-10

文章推薦指數: 80 %

  • 投票人數:10人

誠徵經驗銷售員 Banff 高級珠寶店誠徵有銷售經驗銷售員,英文需具備基本聽說能力,時薪加佣金制度,工作有挑戰性。地點Banff downtown 或五星級hotel內。公司會續發工簽給有工作表現員工。合條件並有興趣者請附詳細英文履歷回復[email protected]

https://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/extpics/imgur/139706.jpg Hi~我在這家店做過一段時間,應徵之前可以先加我的line, 我可以把我的經驗分享給您! 謝謝!

https://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/extpics/imgur/139706.jpg Hi~我在這家店做過一段時間,應徵之前可以先加我的line, 我可以把我的經驗分享給您! 謝謝! 您好 此QR code找尋不到您 是否可以給您聯絡資訊 想請教您相關問題 在煩請您回覆 謝謝

Dear sirs: My name is Lu Lu Ling (Lily) I am very interested in the job which you post in the backpackers ; that mentions need a jewelry sales counter,As I had been worked in California center in CA, USA several years ago , am very good at sale & Jewelry fields, I would like to stay one or two year in Canada for travel n work . I really appreciate that if you can give me a chance to work for your company to contribute my sales & jelery experience . Since I have worked many years in Amex , city bank for banking; within 2 year I have been working Internet web job to sale jewelry in GWT ( global wealth trade) which company is located in Toronto in Canada for luxury jewelry: I believe my working ability which you can trusted, hoping this is a good chance to finish my dream to work n travel in Canada , Looking forward to hear from you. Thank you very much. My Mobil: 0926919394 Taipei taiwan

Dear sirs: My name is Lu Lu Ling (Lily) I am very interested in the job which you post in the backpackers ; that mentions need a jewelry sales counter,As I had been worked in California center in CA, USA several years ago , am very good at sale & Jewelry fields, I would like to stay one or two year in Canada for travel n work . I really appreciate that if you can give me a chance to work for your company to contribute my sales & jelery experience . Since I have worked many years in Amex , city bank for banking; within 2 year I have been working Internet web job to sale jewelry in GWT ( global wealth trade) which company is located in Toronto in Canada for luxury jewelry: I believe my working ability which you can trusted, hoping this is a good chance to finish my dream to work n travel in Canada , Looking forward to hear from you. Thank you very much. My Mobil: 0926919394 Taipei taiwan

