CIC要求我辦理Temporary Resident Visa

發布時間: 2014-06-14

文章推薦指數: 80 %

  • 投票人數:10人

我今天收到一封信,從CPC-CTD-Ottawa寄來的,內容在下 This is in reference to your application for a temporary resident visa. In order for us to continue the processing of your application, we require the following document: - A payment fee of $100 CAD for a multiple entry TRV Please pay your fees for the application by visiting: Attached more instructions regarding fee payment Once your fees are paid, please provide our office with a copy of the payment receipt required by replying to this e-mail If you already paid your fees please provide us with a scanned copy of your payment receipt Please submit your payment for TRV 10 days from receiving the email. 目前體檢報告剛submit完畢,這封信中叫我付Temporary Resident Visa的錢,然後還要申請。 我現在有點迷糊了,working holiday只是工作許可,並不是入境簽證。所以他叫我辦理可以入境的簽證這樣嗎? 但台灣不是有免簽? 有人可以分享一下這個問題嗎?

如果你只是要辦理working holiday visa這封信應該無須理會 我今年剛拿到poe 很肯定沒這項流程 加上...我覺得它看起來像詐騙耶= =? 如果不放心可寫信給cic詢問 回信挺快的 到mycic中就找的到他們官方信箱了

