
發布時間: 2013-03-08

文章推薦指數: 80 %

  • 投票人數:10人

大家好! 我們是路易絲湖城堡及班芙大街上的商店,專營各種高級毛衣織品。 目前缺店員,中文流利,英文可簡單溝通即可,懂日文加分。 歡迎有意者(持打工度假簽證者尤佳)煩請直接投"英文"履歷至以下信箱。 [email protected] 工作地點: 班芙及路易絲湖城堡 工作期間:即刻起(越快越好), 至少6個月 請注意,管理階層經理人皆為加拿大人,請不要回非英文信件,感恩!! hello!! We are high-end knitwear boutiques in Banff, AB., CA. Now we have job opportunities available for Chinese speaking, who can legally work in Canada. working location: Banff and Lake Louise position: Sales Clerk wage: CAD $10/hr+commission weekly hours: 30~40, depends on seasons accomodation: yes, around CAD$400~450/month working period: starting immediately for 6 months or longer. Japanese language plus please email to [email protected] Thank you! Qiviuk Boutique/Jacques Cartier Clothier


