職責: 協助售賣各式毛衣服裝、配飾 顧客服務工作 職位要求: 持有效的工作簽證,並能完成最少 6 個月工作期 操流利中文,一般英語會話 (略懂日文更佳) 積極主動、具責任感、性格開朗 無須零售經驗 住宿: 班芙 - 可協助尋找出租住宿 露易絲湖城堡 - 提供員工宿舍 有意者,請將個人簡歷 (必須英語) 發至電郵 [email protected] * 申請人提供之全部資料絕對保密及只作招聘之用 1525718 The Qiviuk Boutique at Fairmont Château Lake Louise and Fairmont Banff Spring are looking for sales clerk position. Applicants must have the following criteria: - Speak fluent Chinese / Japanese with intermediate to excellent English language skills. - Have a valid working Visa and able to work for at least the next 6 months. - Previous retail experience and other language skills are not necessary but are definite as sets. If you are interested in applying please E-mail your resume to [email protected] in English only. Interviews may be conducted in person (preferable) or via Skype if needed.
加拿大高級毛衣品牌 招聘售貨員
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