關於「biometrics collection澳洲」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:
Australian Visa Information In Singapore - Biometrics Collectionwww.vfsglobal.com › singapore › biometric_collectionBIOMETRIC DATA COLLECTION GUIDE. Biometrics will be collected using a quick, discreet and non-intrusive process that captures a facial image with a digital ...Australian Visa Information In Hong Kong - Biometrics Data Collectionwww.vfsglobal.com › australia › biometric_data_collectionBIOMETRIC DATA COLLECTION GUIDE. Biometrics will be collected using a quick, discreet and non-intrusive process that captures a facial image with a digital ...Biometrics Collection - Immigration and citizenship - Department of ...immi.homeaffairs.gov.au › meeting-our-requirements › bi...2020年12月23日 · Provide biometrics. Applicants outside Australia. You will need to provide your biometrics at an Australian Visa Application Centre (AVAC) or an ...Biometric Collection - Australian Consulate-General Hong Kong Chinahongkong.china.embassy.gov.au › hkng › VISMG_Biome...2018年10月25日 · Biometric data is an increasingly important tool in identity management ... The Australian Government incorporates the collection of biometrics ...澳洲辦事處australia.org.twWelcome to the Australian Office Taipei. Serving the interests of Australia and Australians in Taiwan. 澳洲: 關於新型冠狀病毒之更新. 邊境管制暨隔離限制.Facebookpt-pt.facebook.com › AustraliaInHKMacau › photos › 重要通告important-...今天香港傳媒報導「申請澳洲簽證時需提供生物識別數據之新安排」一事屬不正確報導。香港特區護照、澳門特區護照、英國國民海外護照及中華人民共和國護照持 ...Australia set to collect more biometric data at airports - Security ...www.itnews.com.au › news › australia-set-to-collect-more-...2015年6月9日 · The bill aims to expand biometric data collection to include fingerprints and iris scans in order to tackle the threat of Australians seeking to travel ...Where to give your fingerprints and photo (biometrics)www.cic.gc.ca › english › information › where-to-give-bio...Service Canada offices have resumed biometrics collection services for permanent residence applicants ...