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Resume 之於求職就是這樣的一張宣傳單,通常是一份A4 簡歷說完你最值得雇主注意的地方,不用放太多細節資訊,只要提供「為什麼你最適任這份 ... Ivy2020-06-23談到求職關鍵字「...More
CakeResume provides professional resume & CV examples from 9 major industries, including design, ...More
If an activity resumes, or if you resume it, it starts again after a pause. (中斷後)繼續,重新開始. Normal ...More
Free online resume maker, allows you to create a perfect resume in minutes. See how easy it is to...More
重新開始,繼續[+v-ing] They proposed that he should resume his job as farmhand. 他們建議他應重新做農夫的工作。 2. 恢復;重返...More