文章推薦指數: 80 %
Powering the Era of Smart EverythingFrom Silicon to Software Learn...More
Synopsys is the largest of the Big Three EDA suppliers by revenue and a major supplier of semic...More
About UsPowering the New Era of Smart Everything—from Silicon to SoftwareSynopsys technology is...More
214.34 0.00 (0.00%)After hours: 4:14PM EDTThe semiconductor industry is experiencing heightened...More
Synopsys is an American electronic design automation company that focuses on silicon design and...More
新思科技股份有限公司(英語:Synopsys Inc.)是一家美國電子設計自動化公司、IC介面IP供應廠商,專注於晶片設計和驗證,晶片智慧財產權和軟體安全性。 新思科技公司於1986年由現任...More