文章推薦指數: 80 %
Where is your work / job / office? 接下來,看看正確答案–. What is your job? 你的職業是什麼? job 是特定指有收入 ... 語言實驗...More
其實這是”unemployed”的意思,也就是在無業階段。但是這樣的說法有點傷人,所以我們會用”between jobs”來代替。 2. Holding down a job. 即” ... ...More
特別是你的回答從"My job"開始,答錯率就會變成99%:. My job is an engineer ... 意思是工作都堆到脖子那麼高了,意象生動,跟中文說的「忙到喘不過氣」很像。 面...More
Career: the sum total of paid and unpaid work, learning and life roles you undertake throughout y...More
Good work. 做得好! High-five! (擊掌). How can I help you with this? 我還能怎麼幫你? 意思就是:你都做那麼好了,應該沒什麼好幫忙的吧? ...More
Job (n.): the regular paid work that you do for an employer. 2) Job是個名詞,可數。如果按照我們的習慣來理解,就是「工作,職責」...More