前往 乾貨!快速把加拿大駕照換成中國駕照,省時又省力,5步搞定

發布時間: 2020-12-21

文章推薦指數: 80 %

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您即將離開本站,並前往乾貨!快速把加拿大駕照換成中國駕照,省時又省力,5步搞定 ...





印象中每個省都會給予一次直接轉5級駕駛執照的機會。 如果 fail 了,好像要從Learner級別開始。

以網頁的說明應該是從5級開始考 http://www.sgi.sk.ca/individuals/licensing/classifications/class1.html Class 1 - Power units, semi trailers and trucks towing over 4,600 kg http://www.saskimmigrationcanada.ca/drivers-licence If you are a new resident to Saskatchewan and have a valid driver's licence from another part of Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom (including England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Gibraltar), Austria, Germany, Switzerland or South Korea, you can apply for a Saskatchewan licence within 90 days of moving to Saskatchewan. In most cases, you will be able to get a Saskatchewan licence issued without taking a road test. If you have a driver's licence from a country not listed above, and have had it for more than nine months, you will need to take tests to get a Saskatchewan licence, but will not be required to take driver education or wait the usual nine month learning period between the written and road test.


各位版友大家好 小弟已經爬過文 但是查相關的關鍵字似乎查不到我想要的資料 小弟目前持有台灣的大客車駕照 預計今年九月左右會考取台灣的聯結車駕照 因為小弟想要參加這項移民計畫 http://www.saskimmigrationcanada.ca/trucker/ 但發現需要持要Saskatchewan省的駕照 想要請問一下對加拿大駕照規定比較清楚的人 如果持有台灣的聯結車駕照 在Saskatchewan當地考試可以直接換考聯結車駕照嗎? 還是必須要從5級駕照開始考起? 感謝各位善心人士的回答