文章推薦指數: 80 %
HMPO insisted that it had delivered the passport through its secure courier service later that su...More
Specialist is required to work across HMPO's Digital Transformation Projects, develop the user st...More
女王陛下護照署(Her Majesty's Passport Office﹐簡稱HMPO)是英國內政部轄下的行政機構,為全球英國國民處理英國護照申請和印製工作,英國國民(海外) ... 女王陛...More
How your personal information is used in Her Majesty's Passport Office (HMPO). We use some essen...More
We must obtain authority from HMPO, GRO or UKVI to authorise any change of delivery address. You ...More
Her Majesty's Passport Office (HMPO) is an agency of the Home Office in the United Kingdom. It pr...More