文章推薦指數: 80 %
【英文e-mail寫作】你知道「Please find attached…」已經過時了嗎?「請看附件」這句話該怎麼寫比較好? 2017/10/11. 英語力. 剛到外商公司上班的Nancy寫了一...More
please see attached = please see attached file, (file省略). 這句話是用在email上, 意思是請看附加檔案, 或詳如附加檔案. 其他用法....More
點題這句,或Please find attached,不過大家可能都聽過,用find 不natural的,怎麼叫人家去「找」東西了?好了,那Please see attached就沒有問題了嗎?...More
c. “Attached please find….for your review.” 表示迫切的語句:. a. “Please / Kindly ... 為了寫封通順的英文 email 而煩...More
【編者按】「Please find attached ——見附件」這句雖然很好懂,但用法不夠規範,因為通常情況 ... Please find the attached file for you...More
In that regard, please find attached the submission from the Government of the Republic of Zambia...More