文章推薦指數: 80 %
DNV GL is one of the leading global providers of accredited management systems certification. 當今...More
DNV GL AO offers NIAHO, Hospital Accreditation Organization to meet CMS standards and CoPs, Strok...More
Next Generation Risk Based Certification by DNV GL. 對組織的衡量不再僅僅依靠企業內部發生了什麼或企業的財務帳目表。貴公司的利益相關方希望貴公司...More
DNVGL.com in Taiwan. DNV GL logo · Current website:Taiwan. Taiwan. LOCAL WEBSITES: China · German...More
Site specific certificates will incur additional fees. Certificate issued by DNV GL is valid for ...More
DNV GL is an accredited certification body. They certify the compliance of companies according to...More