文章推薦指數: 80 %
Compass Cards and Tickets provide seamless transfers across bus, SkyTrain, ... Your fare is calcu...More
到溫哥華自助旅遊搭乘地鐵Skytrain或是公車非常方便,若常需要搭乘,推薦購買溫哥華交通卡Compass Card康百世卡,有推出一般票卡,90分鐘內轉乘不扣款的 ... 到溫哥華自助旅遊搭...More
How and where to buy or reload your Compass Card, the MTS smart fare card. If you have signed up...More
Compass Card may refer to: Compass card, the circular, rotating card on a magnetic compass showin...More
Compass is the reloadable fare card that works everywhere on transit in Metro Vancouver. Simply l...More
Compass is the reloadable fare card that works everywhere on transit in Metro Vancouver. It's con...More