文章推薦指數: 80 %
Compass is the reloadable fare card that works everywhere on transit in Metro Vancouver. Simply l...More
Compass Card may refer to: Compass card, the circular, rotating card on a magnetic compass showin...More
Compass Cards and Tickets provide seamless transfers across bus, SkyTrain, ... Your fare is calcu...More
use with compass. A magnetic compass lying on a nautical chart. In compass. A card with the point...More
Compass is the reloadable fare card that works everywhere on transit in Metro Vancouver. It's con...More
到溫哥華自助旅遊搭乘地鐵Skytrain或是公車非常方便,若常需要搭乘,推薦購買溫哥華交通卡Compass Card康百世卡,有推出一般票卡,90分鐘內轉乘不扣款的 ... 到溫哥華自助旅遊搭...More