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GLSL programs (or shaders). GLSL is short for OpenGL Shader Language and is the name of the langu...More
package com.example.android.opengl;. import java.nio.ByteBuffer; ... the coordinates of the objec...More
Initialize OpenGL ES 2.0 in Android. Shader is a small program that gets executed in GPU. Shader ...More
For this tutorial we will be creating an Android application in Android Studio ... OpenGL ES uses...More
在之前的例子中,我们都使用到了顶点着色器vertex shader,但只是简单地用了一下,把输入的顶点坐标又原样地输出了,没有做任何操作,这篇 ... 大家好,下面和大学一起学习如何使用顶点着...More
We don't want Android to scale our bitmap at all, so to be sure, we set inScaled to false. // Bin...More