文章推薦指數: 80 %
"kindly please find the attachment. 跟隨者: 1. please find the attached file for your reference vs p...More
Attached herewith please find the revised proposal for your perusal. (就先前我們談過的,我寫信來是要追蹤我們先前對於第二季行...More
A complete search of the internet has found these results: please kindly find the attached file i...More
Other variations include “Attached please find,” Please kindly find the attached file,” Please fi...More
例句:Kindly find the attached pictures and link for your reference. ... attached file(附加檔案),那attach...More
Attached please find… 意思是要人參考附件的某個資訊,但在e-mail 中叫人去“Find” 某個資訊總感覺有點奇怪,會讓人不禁心中暗想「是要找復活 ... 在寫工作往來的...More