文章推薦指數: 80 %
Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators...More
Attached is our company profile for your reference. 請見附檔公司資料 1. Please see attached file as our...More
Signup requiredIn order to post your question we need your email to notify you when the respons...More
為了寫封通順的英文 email 而煩惱的朋友,除非你的英文糟糕到你看了都會暈倒,真的可以不用補習。訣竅在於不停的模仿,但你必須同時兼顧下面幾點: 我用下面這封email,說明上述這幾點。 ...More
剛到外商公司上班的Nancy寫了一封報價的e-mail給客戶,她在信中寫道「Please find attached the quote for your requested equipme...More