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發布時間: 2020-07-30文章推薦指數: 75 %
英文語文能力一般...相信會在唐人街打工多吧 謝謝你們!! No. Lots of illegal immigrants are willing to work below minimum wage because that's the only job they can get.
英文語文能力一般...相信會在唐人街打工多吧 謝謝你們!!
Toronto這類工作流動性好像不高,華人超市收銀補貨多是福清人,工作聽說很辛苦,而且有特殊管道的,錢非常少.惟一例外是大統華(T&T),工作照規矩走,但是競爭激烈.雖然華人超市到處是,工作機會看起來不少,但是來的人也是源源不絕. 餐廳也分兩種,真的生意好的Chinese restaurants,waiter/waitress很少換人,老外的餐廳薪資跟福利可能好點,但是你的語言能力要夠.
http://www.labour.gov.on.ca/english/es/pubs/guide/minwage.php cashier, McDonalds, fast food restaurants: $10.25/hr Starbucks Barista ~ $11/hr waiter (in a restaurant that serve alcohol): $8.90 plus tips waiter (in many Chinese or Taiwanese restaurants): $6 or $7 (below legal limit) plus tips. In Calgary, working at some fast food restaurants: $12~$14/hr.
本人的WHV已批了:D想請問在多倫多一位餐廳侍應/超市收銀或其他工種的月/週薪大慨是多少?? 好讓自己有預算~麻煩大家!!