文章推薦指數: 80 %
例句:Please refer to the attached file.(請參考附件檔案。) for your reference則是指,xxx東西給你參考,放在句末。 例句:Kindly f...More
please refer to the attached file,大家都在找解答。 2. refer to/ for your reference refer to是動詞片語,有參考、查閱的意...More
please refer to the attachment中文,大家都在找解答。雙語例句. 請參考附件,進修華為地歡迎工作流程,反省一下自己們工作中地缺乏和需求改良、進步地方面。 ...More
大量翻译例句关于"please refer to the attached" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... Please find attached copies of t...More
【英文e-mail寫作】你知道「Please find attached…」已經過時了 ... 的寫法是一個祈使句(imperative),這個句子說到底的功能只是傳達「I have attac...More
Attached herewith please find the revised proposal for your perusal. (就先前我們談過 ... 還有人會用"please se...More