前往 如何申請「財力證明」? 【2020 最新圖文】 - | 語言學校| 留
發布時間: 2020-12-23文章推薦指數: 80 %
臨櫃當場解約 或 網路解約至活存就可以啦.. 所以他們較care的是"立即性"的問題是吧?! OK. I GOT IT!
是6+6. 我比較好奇的是, 財力證明只能是活存或活儲嗎? 啊定存你是要怎麼提出來用???? 這問題很困難嗎... use a little bit common sense...
是6+6. 我比較好奇的是, 財力證明只能是活存或活儲嗎?
網站說: Document #3 - Proof of financial support Evidence that you can support yourself as well as accompanying family members while studying in Canada. Such evidence may include: •proof of a Canadian bank account, if money has been transferred there, •Bank statements for the past four months, •proof of payment of tuition and residence fees, and •proof of funding paid from within Canada for students with a scholarship or enrolled in a Canadian-funded educational program. 代辦說: 自己或父母親(監護人)財力證明或存款證明. 這個存款, "一定必需是活存/活儲" 滿60萬元; 不可以是定存的............. 這個是對的嗎? 您要去多久?
網站說: Document #3 - Proof of financial support Evidence that you can support yourself as well as accompanying family members while studying in Canada. Such evidence may include: •proof of a Canadian bank account, if money has been transferred there, •Bank statements for the past four months, •proof of payment of tuition and residence fees, and •proof of funding paid from within Canada for students with a scholarship or enrolled in a Canadian-funded educational program. 代辦說: 自己或父母親(監護人)財力證明或存款證明. 這個存款, "一定必需是活存/活儲" 滿60萬元; 不可以是定存的............. 這個是對的嗎?