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Discover Vancouver's historic Granville Island, a hidden gem for local chefs, live music fans, an...More
雖然名稱叫做Granville Island 固蘭湖島,但其實是離溫哥華市區很近的一個半島,搭乘公車、開車又或是搭船(水上小巴士Aquabus)都可以抵達,交通上十分方便 ... 在溫哥華市區...More
The Granville Island Public Market acts as a hub of activity, but it's also one of the city's mos...More
With False Creek Community Centre closed for the summer, CMHC-Granville Island is pleased to be a...More
固蘭島(Granville Island)可說是溫哥華居民的在地美味廚房,這裡擁有品項最齊全的公眾市場、商店街,更是溫哥華著名的文化與藝術中心。溫哥華居民喜歡來固 ... 文章最後更新於 20...More
Absolutely love Granville Island!!! Have been coming to BC ad going there since I was a little gi...More