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受到 COVID-19 新冠肺炎的影響,近期很多已拿到簽證或尚未拿到簽證的同學們擔心因疫情關係而有些變動,那麼關於出入境、簽證延簽以及該如何與加拿大政府聯繫等相關事宜,到底該怎麼辦呢? 以下...More
You may use this form if:If you are sponsoring a family member abroad, and if you are in Canada...More
A recent cyberattack has affected a small number of IRCC accounts accessed through GCKey. We lo...More
Canada’s immigration department has issued new guidelines that allow individuals with expired C...More
Due to the impacts of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), we can’tWe’re prioritizing applications f...More
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