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post-secondary school中文專上學院…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋post-secondary school的中文翻譯,post-secondary school的發音,音標...More
Post-secondary education 呢句英文點解?? 中五學歷? 中7 ? 香港討論區. ...More
post-secondary education的意思It means education after high school. Example : University. 這個標誌代表你有興...More
In Seychelles education is free from early childhood to post-secondary level. 在塞舌尔,从幼儿时期到大专水平的教育都...More
例句:Post-secondary education and training are available both in Kiribati and overseas. 翻译:基里巴斯国内外都...More
高等教育(法語:Études Supérieures;德語:Höhere Bildung;英語:Higher Education;西班牙語:Educación Superior),又称专上教育(...More