文章推薦指數: 80 %
跟Would you mind if I + V1? 這兩個用法也是用在請求別人允許你做某件事,用法跟句型看起來很像,但是不太一樣。 Skiptoprimarycontent ...More
第5輯第1課Would you mind waiting here for a moment? 相信一般稍具規模的公司,雖不是門禁森嚴,也會有些能通多國語言且笑容可掬的接待 ... ...More
請求別人幫忙時一定要會的3種句型!. “有事拜託同事時說「Would you mind…」,小心會被人認為是沒禮貌!” is published by WUWOW team in ... 自...More
1 Would you mind help / helped / helping me move to the new apartment on Sunday? 2 I was wonderin...More
另一個回答要特別注意的就是 Do you mind、would you mind 的問句,不介意可以說no,但介意直說yes, I do mind.(恩,我介意),就是帶有不悅的意味,視情況 ....More
Do you mind if I take a bite? 你介意我吃一口你的食物嗎? 2. Would you mind + if + 人+ past V + … ? 尋求許可. ...More